Obesity is defined as having an excessive amount of body fat. More specifically, it refers to having a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher. BMI is calculated based on your height and weight.
Some key facts about obesity:
When it comes to losing weight and battling obesity, lifestyle changes related to diet and exercise are most important. However, some people may benefit from additional support.
This is where Hormone Harmony Clinic comes in! Our clinic specializes in customized weight loss programs involving hormone optimization. Our skilled doctors can determine if hormone imbalances like low testosterone, high cortisol, or thyroid issues may be sabotaging your weight loss efforts.
We provide safe, natural bioidentical hormone replacement therapy tailored to your unique needs. Balancing key hormones can help many patients finally lose weight, reduce dangerous belly fat, and keep the weight off long-term! Our programs also include guidance on nutrition and fitness.
To learn more about our proven natural hormone programs for lasting weight loss and optimal health, visit male-hormone.org] or call to schedule your consultation today. Defeating obesity takes a multi-pronged approach - let our experts create your customized plan!